Initially, referrals are usually received by telephone but can be by other methods. A member of our management team will discuss the circumstances, risk profile, diagnosis and current needs. After this, if it is looking like a placement may be appropriate, an assessment is arranged which is usually carried out at the individual’s current place of residence by two senior members of High Oaks staff. This includes discussions with staff at the individual’s current residence in order that informed decisions can be made using current risk assessments, care plans and other related documents around the care and support being provided.
If we are positive that we can meet the individual’s needs, a post assessment report is completed identifying their support needs. Along with the report, a fee breakdown is given to their care co-ordinator.
Once funding is agreed, they can move in as soon as a bed is available and in the meantime they are welcome to spend time at the home to sample the atmosphere.
This procedure may differ for private funders and can be discussed on initial contact.
To make a referral, please call 01379 674456 and ask to speak with Claire Caswell, manager or Tony Gowers, support team manager.